Comforting Daily Messages of Truth
that Provide Healing Relief in your Life...
Experience a Deeply Healing Journey that will
Enlighten your Mind, Open your Heart, and Ignite your Soul!
Receive a Dose of Enlightenment by Adding your First Name and Email Below...
Jafree Ozwald
Hello, my name is Jafree and I'm the creator of these Enlightened Messages and the founder of the global enlightenment portal I have been a servant for the spiritual awakening of this planet since the year 2000. Since then, I have emailed over 2 million enlightened messages and enlightened articles to hundreds of thousands of people from 65+ countries around the world!
"You and your messages make me feel SO BLESSED! This message came at the right time… and made me cry. As I'm reading, I feel the flowing of your words and it's like pouring liquid from a vessel. I NEVER feel the repetition of your ideas as tiresome or negative in any way. I believe these messages have made positive changes in my physical brain. I love you. I feel so lucky to have found you."
Mary Ruth
"In all my many years of professional work, I have never read anything that touches my heart as much as your articles and your daily Enlightened Messages. They are rooted deep in spirituality, soul language, common sense and contain much more which I can't even articulate."
Bayan Rahal
These soul igniting emails from my heart that will transport you into a higher level of love, laughter, and lightness. They will redirect your mind into a state of positive thinking, allowing you to feel more relaxed, loved, and liberated on the inside. Below is a short video that I created for you to feel the conscious healing vibes behind my work...
"I have honestly come to know who I am in this Universe through your enlightened messages. I have been in bondage for a long time struggling to get out. Now I understand and know who I am in this Universe. It's wonderful to know and feel that I am divine and can create and manifest my dreams just as I am. Every time I read your emails, it inspires me and makes my day!"
"I totally LOVE your daily enlightening manifesting treasures that continue to Bless my heart and my day! Thank you soooo much for these tools!"
Janice Devine-Patterson
"When I wake up in the morning I check e-mail for my 'Enlightened Messages' and they make a big difference in my life! They are personal heartfelt words that support my spiritual journey. It changes my outlook on life every day. Many blessings to you....thank you Jafree!"
Gabriele Master, Kauai
Awaken Into a Higher State of Consciousness!
Access my NEW 5D Awakening Program for FREE!
You'll receive the first chapter of my Manifesting Manual, my Magical Manifesting Meditation on MP3 Audio, and my 8 Secrets to 5D Consciousness Video ABSOLUTELY FREE!
"WOW! I have wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your messages! I truly can't thank you enough for your beautiful words that uplift my heart and soul! You, my friend, are a true gift of bright light that is much needed at this time. So once again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your inspiring words. Light of light to you."
The 7 Healing Benefits from Reading my Enlightened Messages
#1 You begin to naturally engage with others from a peaceful positive mindset.
When you're living from a more spiritually centered space you'll naturally magnetize and manifest more positive people and life situations. Naturally, you'll attract enjoyable outcomes, fantastic new opportunities, conscious-loving people, and even unexpected sources of abundance that seem to just show up wherever you go!
#2 Life simply flows for you with effortless ease.
With a more enlightening approach to life, you realize that the Universe is working for you instead of against you. Everything just works easier in your daily existence and you'll find the great abundance of life naturally flows your way.
#3 You'll feel more inner peace and joy in your heart.
Reading these messages is like a daily spiritual massage. You'll feel soothed by the insights you receive and find yourself spontaneously having more joy and creativity in your day. This vibration will help you to manifest whatever it is your heart desires!
#4 Divine synchronicities begin showing up more frequently.
Every time you open your heart by reading an enlightened message you'll feel more aligned and connected with the Universe. The messages are timely sent through your spirit guide, showing you how to find your spiritual path in life, so you can move through any problem you're dealing with on that day.
#5 You will evolve and enlighten your consciousness to the next level.
Whether you feel you are guided by the Universe or by some other force, the truth is we all need positive messages that reinforce our appreciation for life. These messages strengthen the connection you have with your soul, helping you feel the life force within you. By simply reading the enlightening wisdom you receive, you'll find your inner guidance becomes stronger and more clear.
#6 You will feel a natural alignment with knowing your life's purpose and soul's true mission.
When you are on the enlightened path, there is this feeling of being aligned with the Universe. It just happens because you are living in a state of absolute trust and openness. You could even feel that this miniature e-course is nudging you towards becoming the master of your destiny.
#7 You will feel more content, joyful, and happy to be alive!
A natural by-product of reading enlightened messages is that they get you in touch with the joy of your inner world. Many people spend lifetimes seeking happiness in the outer world, and yet never know how to find a permanent state of joy within.
Personally, I notice that the deeper I'm able to relax inside my body, the easier it is to trust life and receive this abundant Universe with all of its blessings.
"I love your enlightened messages Jafree. You keep it so real and tangible. I am so grateful for the daily inspiration. The one mind of consciousness always seems to know what I need. With much gratitude."
Sign up now and receive my Manifesting Gifts
and Enlightened Messages ABSOLUTELY FREE!
"You always send these messages what seems to be the perfect timing in my days, it means so much and they have a big part in my daily practice now. Always excited to read what you have to say I just finished the short clip on validation and those beautiful lil tear drops of happiness came from my eyes. You’re doing such an amazing job, keep it all up. I send blessings."
I'd like to invite you to honestly ask yourself
a very deep and important question today...
What was the MOST Enlightening Experience of your entire Life?
Whatever answer you have, remember that this past experience was a small glimpse of the tremendous joy and bliss that is available inside you right now.
Truly, I believe that we have no idea what's possible when we fully open ourselves to the highest spiritual energy hidden inside our bodies.
Think of these enlightened messages as a portal that will transport you deeper into your heart and ignite the greatest joy inside.
Some say they are a synchronistic guide to discover the truth about higher consciousness.
Sometimes we could use a little help redirecting our mind back inside to create more joy, inner peace, and contentment in this moment.
You'll soon see, these enlightened messages will lift you up and expand your consciousness!
They will show you how to relax deeper inside yourself as you discover how to reveal the real spiritual journey.
This spiritual journey is all about YOU coming home to your most peaceful, abundant, joyful, enlightening essence.
What could be more amazing than that?
After a few weeks of enlightened messages, most people begin feeling a deeper heart
connection with others and rediscovering their infinite spiritual nature.
Just try digesting my first enlightened message of the day and see for yourself. Watch how your mind reacts and notice the enlightening changes inside yourself.
Get ready to SKYROCKET your vibration into a Higher Dimension!
Click this magical button below to receive your first Enlightened Message Now!
"Thank you beyond words. Thank you for helping me to never give up in this lifetime, and to allow for my highest self/being/purpose to be realized! Thank you, dear-sweet-beautiful-gifted Jafree. I can't thank you enough. Lots and lots of love and Light!"
Karrie ✨
Other Benefits from Reading my Daily Enlightened Messages Can Include...
* You stop taking everything in life too seriously.
* You feel you're on your spiritual path everywhere you are.
* You feel real inner peace with every person you're with.
* All your relationships naturally seem more joyful and light-hearted.
* You have this fearless courageous approach to life.
* Life is communicating to you from a higher state of consciousness.
Click this magical button below to receive your first Enlightened Message Now!
"Thanks Jafree for your incredible and inspiring spiritual articles, they have really transformed me into a new being. I really need your assistance on meditation and tuning to my higher. Send you peace and love, may you have joyful moments."
Why Do My Enlightened Messages Transform People's Lives?
Every enlightened message is specifically designed to take you on a
journey into the core of your being and spiritually liberate any stuckness
you have been in.
In this new inner space, you can uproot the
old unhealthy thinking patterns and install a new
enlightened approach to life. This new positive thinking pattern becomes a type of healing
medicine for the mind.
Reading a daily enlightened message can feel like you are receiving a healing
heart massage that awakens your soul to find your highest potential as a human being.
It makes you feel like you are ON the right track!
You begin your day FEELING GOOD about yourself and your life.
You become more clear as to how you'll manifest the deepest life, the most potent love,
and the most successful life that you desire.
"Dear Jafree Ozwald Brother, I don’t know how to thank you for so many free enlightened messages. I am really overwhelmed with ecstasy after reading these divine words. I’ve understood that I am possessing unlimited capacities of the universe and am already enjoying unlimited bliss health tranquility and enlightenment. Once again, I extend my heart full of gratefulness."
MN Upadhya
As this new enlightened thinking integrates into your brain,
it will release old buried tensions inside
the body, and soothe your deepest hidden anxieties in
the emotional body. This allows you to deeply relax and
enjoy the process of trusting life and enjoying the ride.
This deeper trust will allow you to access an
indescribable feeling of freedom that can remain with
you all day long. By enlightening your consciousness you
naturally discover an empowering healthy way to live life.
After 30 days of reading daily enlightened messages,
you'll have biologically retrained the chemistry in
your brain to remain free from anger, worry, anxiety, and fear.
You will have awakened your consciousness to a higher level,
expanded your thinking, liberated your mind's limitations, and revitalized your soul.
These daily enlightening morsels of wisdom just make being human easier...
Click this magical button below to receive your first Enlightened Message Now!
"Jafree, please excuse me, but I just have to let you know just how wonderful your daily emails are! Thank you Jafree! Thank you! This free content is so enlightening, loving and powerful. I am in awe of you and your amazing writings! These days, I tell everyone I meet that I love them. This came from you Jafree... and it has caught on! Now all my friends/acquaintances in my area of London are telling one another just how much they love each other all the time! It would not have happened without you Jafree! Your daily emails are more valuable then 1000 Carat Gold! Jafree, I LOVE you, and I just had to let you know how amazing you are. Thank you Jafree, and God bless you! Sending Loving Kindness."
Tap Into your Natural Power to Manifest ANYTHING You Desire!
When we make the time each day to enlighten our consciousness to a
higher dimension, we start to attract more of what makes
us feel good, and less of what we no longer enjoy.
We become a magnet for magnetizing the most loving
healthy people and abundant situations into our lives!
As you understand how EASY and EFFORTLESS it is to create the life you desire,
everything you do will just seem easier and more liberating.
I know that once you join the email list, you will look forward to reading
your personal enlightened message every day. You will not
be able to stop feeling inspired about your life!
You will be increasing your vibration so HIGH that you will
find yourself manifesting ANYTHING and EVERYTHING your
heart desires. Learn how to live that life you never thought was possible!
Get ready to liberate your mind, heal your heart, soothe your soul, and manifest your dream life!
Click this magical button below to receive your first Enlightened Message Now!
"Thank you, Jafree you are such a wonderful light and presence and I love your daily messages. I always listen to it with my heart and really use the information through my days. I send you big squeezes, hugs, and lots of love and gratitude."
Do You Know Why Anything is Possible?
We exist in a physically infinite Universe. This means that the Universe must also be infinite on a non-physical dimension as well.
After reading your Enlightened Messages you might awaken that Spiritually Enlightened Being who was sleeping inside you.
This is a perpetual state of effortless peace, a constant divine state of joy for no external reason at all. Unlimited peace and power will become readily available to you... no matter what is occurring in your outer world.
Now, this is something to get excited about!!
You could make a deeper committment to this spiritual path towards your enlightenment. If you do, you'll discover how much easier it is manifest the goals, dreams, and desires that you want in the world.
I believe it's possible for every human being on this planet to access their full potential.
This enlightening technology will opens your mind in the right direction.
It will help your inner world feel more loving, connected, and alive!
"Dear Jafree, Wow this sharing is amazing and perfect for my family right now! It is so well articulated that the energy truly resonates with my soul. I have been reading your daily teachings for the last couple of weeks and they have assisted me sooooooooo much in opening up to realize more of what I really am. I’m awakening to my Divinity with these practical techniques that remove my human layers to feel and experience my Divinity. Thank you for the Divine gift you have given us Jafree! Infinite Love!
Gary B
How Does an Enlightened Message Shift your Energy?
These enlightened messages are based on an ancient science of uncovering the Divine Being hidden within you.
They help you to access an expanded state of consciousness that will liberate you from any suffering you are having.
Good things consistently happen to people who are flowing in a positive joyful vibration and energy.
Like attracts like, and when you're able to find unstoppable joy and appreciation for each moment of life, you'll start attracting everything your heart desires to experience!
Enlightened messages provide a doorway to experience a profound state of freedom, aliveness, and empowerment that is like nothing you've ever had before.
You deserve to have a rich life filled with daily enlightening experiences.
Reading your daily message will help you open up your mind to experience that natural richness already inside your heart and soul!
Click this magical button below to receive your first Enlightened Message Now!
"When I first read your beautiful words I wondered what your spiritual experience was. Today you explained your spiritual awakening. Thank you! I knew reading your articles you are the MOST beautiful enlightened soul because your words are just spiritual magic.
Judy Carlson
When you Enlighten your Inner World,
Life Gets Easier In the Outer World.
We all need some resources to keep us centered, motivated, on track with our life mission.
We need guidance and inspiration to reach towards our greatest life dreams!
These enlightened messages will support you to do just that!
You'll be invited to check-in with yourself every day to see how calm and connected you feel.
The effects are enormous! You will see the positive shifts show up whenever you spend time with those who you've struggled with.
"Finding your website yesterday, I felt like I went through so many wonderful changes in less than 24 hours. I FEEL SO ABUNDANT!! Jafree, thank you for all the abundance you offer, not only from your products and services but just by being who you are."
Milli Thornton, Moscow
You see, each enlightened message carries a certain vibration that will cultivate a higher awareness inside over time.
This will help you transcend old habits that no longer serve you, and create new habits that make you feel like an enlightened being!
When you are living in this enlightened space every day, you'll naturally feel more alive, peaceful, and grateful no matter what occurs in your physical world.
As you start discovering the natural Divine Manifesting Being inside you, the way you perceive your separate individual self and this outer world will all change.
Learn all the secrets by signing up below for the most enlightening adventure of your life!
Click this magical button below to receive your first Enlightened Message Now!
"You and your messages make me feel SO BLESSED! I feel the flowing of your words is like pouring liquid from a vessel. I NEVER felt the repetition of idea tiresome or negative in any way. I believe these messages have made positive changes in my brain. I love you!"
Mary Ruth
Discover a Deeper Spiritual Connection with the Divine.
Our spiritual connection is what allows us to have a taste of real freedom, inner peace, everlasting love, and effortless abundance in our lives.
Each day you'll be receiving a new secret how to access your highest most enlightened state of consciousness. Redirecting the mind inwards to this liberated space is the golden key to transcending all the suffering in this life.
After 30 days of reprogramming your mind with these inspirational enlightening messages, your whole being will FEEL different.
You'll naturally be creating a more enlightening experience of life, tapping into the amazing being who you truly are.
When you learn how to access this natural healing wisdom hidden inside,
those small annoyances and stresses of daily life will no longer impact you as they did before.
You will start to feel the effortless FLOW of LIFE where every day becomes a LIVING PARADISE!!
"I have been on a spiritual path for decades now and there are VERY few masters that I have come across with as much insight, perspicacity and understanding as your light. You are truly a shining conduit for the Divine!"
"Thank you Jafree, I really appreciate your messages and felt inspired and wanted to let you know they are loved. I appreciate the time and energy and way that you communicate. Much love!"
Learn How to Effortlessly
Manifest The Life of your Dreams!
The purpose of this enlightening experience is to awaken a permanent state of peace and happiness within you. Yes, a state of consistent JOY that is unsurpassed by any other experience.
When your brain is hardwired to think on these higher levels... it feels natural to be deserving of everything that makes you feel more abundant, alive, on purpose and liberated about your life.
Bathing your consciousness in these unique enlightening thoughts will create a richer inner world, which will manifest directly into your outer world.
In a very short time, you'll discover how to Manifest your Dreams with Joy and Effortless Ease!
"You have some of the best andmost helpful messages I have ever read. Thanks so much and keep up the good work!"
Dorothy Gayhart-Kunz
Step into 5D Consciousness and Become
a More Powerful Manifesting Magnet!!
Sign up below to access my FREE 5D Awakening Program!
You'll instantly receive the first chapter of my Manifesting Manual, my Magical Manifesting Meditation on MP3 audio, my 8 Secrets to 5D Consciousness Video, and your Enlightened Messages... ABSOLUTELY FREE!